Green Careers for All!
Resources for schools and inspiration for young people
The Railway Land Wildlife Trust’s ‘Green Careers for All’ project aims to inspire young people to pursue ‘green’ careers that will help tackle the climate and ecological emergencies we face. Despite the seriousness of these situations globally, there are many rapidly growing local opportunities for young people to develop fulfilling careers, whilst being part of the solution.
We hope these resources will be relevant to a wide range of young people exploring career paths, whether in secondary, further or higher education, and beyond. We hope these videos will be a useful prompt for discussion and enquiry in their own right, but if you'd like to use them in a lesson format, please scroll to the bottom of the page for lesson plan and teacher's notes.
These resources were originally produced to help secondary schools in meeting the Gatsby Benchmark 5 criteria of providing "meaningful encounters with employers", at a time when schools faced significant restrictions or closures. A key part of this process has been supporting students to put forward further questions to our Green Champs, our green industry professionals, after viewing the video resources. Thank you to students at Seaford Head School for having many interesting questions, and we hope that these questions reflect those that you or your students also wanted to ask!
We extend a very big Thank You to all our Green Champs (interviewees), who gave their time freely to assist with championing the future of green careers, and to the Southover Manor Trust and South Downs National Park Authority for funding this work.

Introduction Video (6.23 mins)
Jason Lindfield - Director, OHM Energy (2.33)
Jason runs OHM Energy, a company that designs and installs renewable energy such as heat pumps and solar panels on homes and work places, and he tells us how he expects his sector to grow.
Q and A: Jason answers a selection of questions put to him about his work by Y8 pupils from Seaford Head School
Chloe Harrison - Project Conservation Officer (3.23)
Chloe shares her enthusiasm for her work creating and protecting habitats working on the inspiring Sussex Wildlife Trust's Wilder Horsham Project.
Chloe answers questions put to her by students from Seaford Head School about her career path and how she'd like to see her area of work grow.
Kim Dawson - Ecologist (3.18)
As an ecologist, Kim has a real passion for nature and enthusiasm to protect it She tells us what ecologists do, and how new legislation is set to increase work opportunities in ecology.
Q & A: Kim answers some questions put to her by students of Seaford Head School about career paths into ecology, and what needs to happen to protect nature.
Useful links:
Toni Scarr - Rethinking Water Manager at the Environment Agency (2.36)
As well as explaining some of the challenges our water systems face, Toni also explains how the Environment Agency has a wide range of opportunities
Stu Davies - Head of Agency, Creative Bloom (2.32)
Stu runs an ethically driven digital marketing agency in Brighton. He talks about how important it is to hold onto your values, and how he has developed his business in a way that matches his lifestyle and love of the sea.
Ian Moor - Lead Technician - Wind Farm (2.12)
Ian is a lead technician for offshore wind farm, Rampion, off the Sussex coast. He explains attributes needed in his work, and of the huge growth in his sector.
Q & A: Jason, offshore technician at Rampion answers more questions about day to day work at the wind farm, and career paths into working as a wind farm technician.
Shelaine Sieple - Managing Director, Sustainable Business Partnership CIC (3.57)
Shelaine runs the Sustainable Business Partnership which supports businesses in making choices that reduce their carbon footprint and waste. She talks of what she looks for in potential employees.
Nick Fishlock - Regeneration Project Manager, Brighton and Hove City Council (1.52)
.Nick describes his role managing the development of new housing and how important sustainable building and new approaches are to meet the challenges of climate change and waste management.
Tony Lucas - Forester (4.35)
Tony is a Forrester and chainsaw trainer /assessor. He talks of how he enjoys working outdoors, expanding work opportunities, and the significant risks in his work.
Q & A: Tony answers more questions about his work planting and looking after trees, and explains the growth of work opportunities in this sector.
Freya Robinson - Organic farmer (2.40)
Freya describes how she unexpectedly fell in love with farming and why it is so important to play a part in food production that helps to regenerate our ecosystems
Grant Atkins - Director, Bimble Solar (2.46)
Grant describes how his team supports all sorts of people with their energy supply if they live off grid and some of the qualities needed to get involved in his industry .