Well Being In Nature
Wellbeing in Nature runs free, friendly guided walks that are open to anyone who wants to improve their mental health. It also suits those interested in learning about the wildlife that makes the Railway Land its home.
The sessions are based around gentle walks on the nature reserve, observing the wildlife and experiencing the changing seasons. They last up to an hour and a half, depending on the weather, and take place on Wednesdays and Fridays mornings.
As well as benefitting from being outdoors in a beautiful natural environment, it is an opportunity to gently form new friendships and social connections.

​Many people come to the project through referrals from social prescribers at the GP surgeries. You can also self refer.
If you would like to find out more please contact us by email
The Wellbeing in Nature project forms part of the Lewes Mosaic, working to connect wildlife and wellbeing across Lewes Town